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WHY I decided to use Essential Oils?

I always saw these collections of oils at various shops, never really understanding what it’s about.

Then I started seeing many results on the internet on why they may be good to use and even went to the store and bought a few like Tee Tree, Eucalyptus, Citronella and Lavender. These were the main oils that received all the hype. Not knowing what to expect, they smelled really nice and it did feel like they were helping with my cold sores, insect bites, keeping mosquitos at bay and even helping with blocked noses. I have many various brands of half used Essential Oils in my cupboard.

Friends and Family used to say, use this oil and use that oil and while it did have its purpose. still, from my previous experience these oils where just not what people were saying they are... I thought that perhaps I’m just using them wrong or that there’s something wrong with me. Why was I not experiencing the same kind of results that I was reading, hearing and seeing with others?

I never really looked back after that... Until the one day my friend gave me a little bottle with a sample of the Essential Oil she was using AND...

Once I invested a bit of time studying these oils and started using the samples? A whole new world opened up for me.

There are so many different oils to choose from, each one very special in their own way.

So, I made the decision that I will give it another try and ordered my first bottle of 100 % Pure Lavender Essential Oil.

I started my Essential Oil Journey and want to tell the world what I found.

FIRST - I have been buying the wrong oils this entire time!!!

Second - There really is a secret world of Special Essential Oils that I didn't know about. No wonder I was never able to get the same fruitfulness!!!

Third - 100% Pure Essential Oils has Power!!! It truely is effective and is completely different to the oils you buy in store.

Lastly - I want to share and help others feel Great and empower you to support your own health, beauty and wellness.

Don't have a poor or bad experience like I did.

Don't let it keep you from finding Vitality and Great Health!

Tell me what you are struggling with and let me find an Essential Oil or Blend for you!

Essential Oils

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